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  • Writer's pictureBizzo


Updated: Dec 17, 2018

If you never learn how to purposely THINK or MEDITATE greater/above/better than your PRESENT EMOTIONS and how you may FEEL at the time. Then your brain will CONTINUE to be just a record of the PAST, instead of a MAP TO THE FUTURE. That’s Right! Your Brain is designed to serve as a force that creates the very life you desire. Your THOUGHTS of the FUTURE "YOU" should define and motivate you EVERYDAY! Regardless of how you simply feel at the time. We have been taught to allow our feelings and emotions to control the way we think and when this happens you prevent yourself from releasing the brains true power to dictate how you feel. By intentionally FORCING your mind to visualize the life you WANT as though it ALREADY IS, You then release an ENERGY that ATTRACTS that LIFE and CREATES a new REALITY for yourself. So prepare for the life you have always imagined. Whatever your current circumstances may be at the time are only temporary and if you follow the instructions detailed in this book then you notice that the people, places, and things will start to line up with your hearts desire.

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