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change your mind


your life


As an empowering and inspirational speaker and trainer, thought-provoking author, and international playwright, Larry Bryant has moved thousands of individuals around the world to improve their lives, step OUT of old comfort zones and reach beyond their expectations. He delivers RELEVANT, game-changing solutions based on real-life EXPERIENCE, fundamental RESEARCH, and the kind of PERSPECTIVE and INSIGHT that help propel today's young people to make the CHANGE and CHOICES necessary to achieve personal success. With warm humor, high energy, tremendous insight, and real-results strategies, he delivers the tools teenagers need to change their lives and the world around them. A published author and activist, his biography is available on under the title “Certified Soldier”.


How can i Help You succeed?








Does your staff or group deal with stress? Stress impacts health, happiness or productivity in the workplace. If you are planning a retreat, a team-building event, a heal...
Mind Hack
45 min
Free Consultation
The importance of Purpose, Preparation, Placement, Planning and Perspective
5 P's to Destiny
1 hr
Free Consultation
In this teaching, Author Larry Bryant helps individuals to understand what career building entails and the significant difference in earning capacity as you advance withi...
Finding your WORK
1 hr
Free Consultation
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